Monday, August 26, 2013

National Great Black in Wax Museum- great cultural experience!

Wow! Its been awhile since I written in my blog! I had been so busy finishing up my summer semester and working, that I barely had time to sleep, much less write.  I did very well this semester which I am proud of. It feels weird not having any school work to do after work. However, I am back and at it! So, excited to share with you, some of my latest DMV adventures, I have experienced within the last month. 

The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum is a wax museum in Baltimore, Maryland  featuring prominent African American historical figures. It was established in 1983The National Great Blacks in Wax museum is Baltimore's first wax museum and the first wax museum of African American history in the United States. The Blacks in Wax Museum was recognized by the U.S. Congress and became The National Blacks in Wax Museum allowing it to receive federal funding on the same status as The Smithsonian.(  This will ensure that many generations to come are able to experience African American history throughout the centuries.
Slave Trade Route from Africa

I first went to the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, in the fifth grade with my classmates. It was a very educational experience for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Most "field trips" to museums were boring, but this one was eye opening. If you know me, you know I am into history, so I made a promise to go again when I became older. It's funny I hadn't been to the museum since I was a child before this summer, because I spent my first two years of college right down the street from it. One thing I always remembered the slave ship the museum displays immediately when you walk in. Finally, I was able to take a trip there once again, this summer.  I brought two of my buddies with me, what a wonderful learning experience we had. I can't fit all the pictures on to my blog, so you'll just have to take a trip there to get the full experience.
New Slave getting Branded...ouch!!
Boys Chained Together on Slave Boat..terrible conditions
Slave who was whipped..scars from the lashes

Jim Crow laws, Segregation keeping whites and blacks from drinking from the same fountain

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